Mirror Numbers-What They Mean-How They Affect You

Mirror Numbers-What They Mean-How They Affect You

We see them all the time.







Numbers that the second part mirrors the first. They are mirror numbers.

It is not chance or coincidence that your eyes are drawn to the numbers in that particular moment, as they are a tool for the angels to talk to us, as each carries a message.

If you see 01:10, someone is in love with you and it is not who you think it is. This number also speaks of the end of a cycle and new beginnings.

02:20 When the angels send this number your way, discoveries will be made, a veil in front of your eyes will be lifted. Expect surprises.

03:30 As with 01:10 , this number speaks of love but more physical, there is an element of desire as well.

04:40 This is a bit of a slap, it's personal. It is telling you that you have abused someone’s trust.

05:50 This is a nebulous sign. A surprise is coming. Trust your angels, it will be for the best.

10:01 This is a tough one but it has to be heeded: The person you are in love with is in love, with someone else. Not you.

12:21 Gossip surrounds you, and the people closest to you are the worst offenders.

13:31 is a red flag. Beware! Something is coming your way and it is not good.

14:41 That what you lost will be found or come back to you.

15:51 Is time to seek your twin flame.

20:02 This speaks of longing. Is time to seek that we are missing.

21:12 Your guides are with you.

00:00 Time to be reborn.

If you want help with any aspect of your life, call me, write to me, I can help.

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