Love Spells

What is a love spell? The best way to explain it in this cyber age is to compare it to good programming. What makes an app function.

What a love spell is, is an equation, a code well written.

When we cast a love spell we rewrite what is needed for the program to run well. We remove the wrong information, the confusing codes, we delete the mistakes, the third party interference, and with the spell we leave the program virus free so it can run with the right information, the right code, the right feelings. The best magic spell.

That is what we have always done with a love spell, what magic has always done, but now this is Magic 2.0.

We have given it an upgrade and now have added Quantum Radionic Machines to the tools that we use to manipulate the energies, clean out the bugs, and let the program run as it was intended.

When we perform a love spell we go back to the source, to the feelings, to the moment it all began.

Love is chemistry and alchemy, is like a sound wave that is echoed, when it comes back to us with the perfect pitch, we know we found our soul mate.

With a love spell we allow that sound to travel freely, we make the chemical reaction happen with the right ingredients.

We also clean, like any virus cleaner we remove what does not work.

You can have a generational curse running in the background, that wont allow you to be happy, to form a happy marriage. Or maybe is your partner that suffers from it.

You may have bound your fate so someone in a previous life, and that promise will keep you from love in this incarnation. Or maybe is your partner that is bound for eternity to the wrong soul.

Whatever bug we find, we eliminate. Allowing love to run free, fast and true. What is a love spell? The best way to explain it in this cyber age is to compare it to good programming. What makes an app function.