Amulet to Repel Your Enemy
Amulet to Repel Your Enemy
Attack, repel, cancel, depose.
This amulet is consecrated at the foot of the Great Hunter.
And it’s vibrations repels any negative energies arising from evil eye, envy, or dark desires.
Use it if you have rivals in love, enemies at work, unfair competition in business.
Harmful neighbors.
Old loves that turned into hate.
Keep the negative energies at bay before they become a problem,
This is the time to stop being the victim.
How to use:
When you receive your amulet you must scent it with your favorite perfume or after shave and sleep with it under your pillow for seven days.
On the seventh day your astral DNA will be engraved on it and the Great Hunter will fight for you.
Order below and we will e mail you with the details I need to consecrate it.
Design of Amulet and color of bag may vary.
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