Red Candle Ritual to Attract Love
Red Candle Ritual to Attract Love
This red candle ritual for love will help create an aura of attraction around you.
What is love? It's alchemy and chemistry, it's attraction , it's hypnotic, it's reason an instinct all at once. You want to attract love into your life in many forms, as romance, friendship, self love.
As you order it you buy either male or female and you send me your name, last name, date of birth and a picture, or the information and picture of the person that is going to receive it.
I will consecrate it, and send it to you along with a pink quartz and the picture, as they will become part of the ritual.
You should place the picture with the stone on top next to the candle and light it the candle every Tuesday for 5 minutes, until the candle is totally consumed. Do not worry if the candle some days burns fast and other days slower. It's all part of the process and no candle will burn the same every time.
Once all the candle is consumed you will place every piece of wax left at the foot of a tree or in any green space and you will keep the picture next to your bed along with the stone.
Now the pink quartz will represent you, and will be your magnet for love.
*Size and shape of candle and stone may vary.
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